

On July 22nd and 23rd, United Energy Group (UEG) virtually conducted its mid-year performance review. Chairman Zhang Hongwei, UEG's Executive Leadership Team, HQ advisors and asset management teams attended the meetings.

The mid-year performance review was held on July 22nd. About 70 employees, including expatriates, from the Beijing headquarters delivered impressive reports summarizing and evaluating their work in the first half of 2024 and outlining plans and prospects for the second half. Chairman Zhang Hongwei praised everyone's performance and the remarkable achievements in the year's first two quarters, urging all employees to maintain their efforts in the remaining half of 2024.

Asset companies deliver their 1H QPR presentations

On July 23rd, the Quarterly Performance Review (QPR) meeting took place. Each asset team presented its accomplishments and analyzed the risks and challenges encountered during the first half of 2024. The management team provided feedback on the asset team's reports, discussed current challenges, outlined their strategies to tackle them, and shared the work plan for the upcoming quarters.

Pakistan, Iraq, and Egypt achieved significant success in production, operations, and management during the year's first half, meeting all their targets. Each asset thoroughly analyzed challenges, establishing a robust foundation for meeting all annual goals.

Mr. Zhang Hongwei, Chairman of UEG, stated, "As we reach the year's midpoint, we've successfully completed half of our tasks. Our achievements in the first half of 2024 give us confidence in meeting our annual goals." He commended the exceptional performance of the headquarters and asset teams and outlined key priorities for the Group.

Firstly, all teams must focus on achieving annual performance targets while ensuring safety. Secondly, efforts in market expansion and exploration must intensify. Headquarters and asset teams should prioritize advancing and achieving breakthroughs in key projects in both the oil and gas and clean energy segments.

Amidst evolving geopolitical dynamics and international conflicts, financial management remains critical. UEG's Chairman underscored that while UEG has already established itself as an outstanding company, continuous effort is essential as it aims for higher standards and enhanced global growth. He expressed confidence that the upcoming Digital Sharing Center will significantly enhance operational management, exploration, development, and other facets, paving the way for digitalization and intelligence to drive UEG's future growth.

In conclusion, UEG's Chairman encouraged everyone to maintain the momentum from the first half of the year and work together to successfully achieve all goals set for 2024.
